11:30 am |
Fluid Quip Process Technologies, LLC - Michael Franko & Rachel Overheul
Engineering for Higher Yields and Capacity: Process Optimization Studies and Projects
12:30 pm |
Phibro Ethanol Performance - Wayne Mattsfield
Typical Microbes Found and Infection Resolution for Ethanol Production
1:10 pm |
Syngenta: Enogen - Garth Whiddon
Maximizing Yield Through New Technologies
2:00 pm |
Solenis LLC - Andrew Ledlie
Novel Control System Ensures Optimal Cooling Performance and Maximum Ethanol Production During Heat of Summer
2:40 pm |
DuPont Industrial Biosciences - Dr. Vivek Sharma
Prime Performance with the SYNERXIA® Fermentation System
3:20 pm |
Premium Plant Services, Inc - Nick Lefebvre
Reducing Your Shutdown Water Usage by Water Reclaim
4:00 pm |
Buckman - Mark Reed
Improving Performance Efficiencies in Fuel Ethanol Production through an Understanding of Biochemistry and Microbiology
4:40 pm |
Pumping Solutions, Inc. - George Gregorowicz
Tamar Seals - New Innovations in Slurry Pump Seal Technology Utilizing Air Pressure